Hi Merlins,
I was completely blown away by the lovely, thoughtful message and photo of you all I received over the weekend. It made my weekend! I had a huge grin on my face the whole time. Thank you for making this weekend extra special.
I think you know by now that I love hearing from you all. It is so wonderful to read what you have all been up to and the variety of learning that’s taking place is just outstanding!
This week’s maths, on Active Learn, is all about finding unit fractions of amounts. We spent a whole month learning about fractions last term so this is a reminder to see what you can remember!
Additionally, this week’s White Rose Maths home learning is all about unit and non-unit fractions, which will be a valuable extension to your learning. Click on the link below to access it.
This week’s spelling focuses on the suffixes tion, sion and cian. We have looked at these during our daily phonic sessions so this will be a good activity to consolidate what you have learned. I have also added a grammar game called ‘time and cause’.
Finally, it seems like Geography and Science are the subjects you are enjoying the most at the moment; here are two of my favourite websites that I highly recommend:
There are lots of science-based podcasts and shows to choose from that are both brilliantly entertaining as well as educational.
If you are looking for adventure then look no further than Pawprint Badges. They have an array of free activities and challenge packs available to download for you to carry out. Many activities can be completed indoors as well as outdoors. You can even collect a badge (at a cost – it’s optional) after each challenge.
This week is set to be a warm one, enjoy the weather and your activities!
Mrs F