Hello everyone,
I hope you’re all well and had a lovely Easter.
You should have received a text message this morning giving you login details for Active Learn, which we have access to during the school closures. Through accessing the Active Learn website, you will be able to complete a range of activities. If you have not received a message with these details, or are having difficulty with logging on then please contact school and I will provide you with the login information.
I have allocated maths activities and some spelling and grammar for each of you as well as a range of reading activities.
This link should take you to the home page where you login using the details from the text message.
The link below will give you a tour of the homepage and show you where you can access the activities allocated.
Practising times tables
Please keep practising your times tables on TT Rockstars – being quick and accurate with multiplication tables is so important.
Although we won’t be taking the times tables statutory test, I have linked a website below which is a check for the test. It would be worth using to see how your child would have done if the test had have taken place.
Here is an investigation to have a go at.
I’ve attached the Year 3/4 Spelling list. We have been working through term 1 and 2 and it would be good for the children to continue with term 3. I have also attached the weekly spelling template that the children use. They are very familiar with what they need to do so please ask them but the basic idea is that they pick five spellings from the list, write them on their sheet and learn these over the week. They are tested the following week, they tick off the correct ones and any incorrect follow on to form the new week spellings.
Please keep reading and entering it into your reading diary. Share books and story time at home too. I’d love to hear what books you’ve all been reading.
Take care and I’ll be in touch again soon,
Mrs Bratt