The day had finally arrived! The sun was indeed shining on Greenlands sports day 2019.
We kicked off we our mini-potted sports, which had been given a new look, and a few new additions.
The new water potted sports went down a storm. Just take a look at some of the children in action.
We then moved to our competitive sports, which after weeks of measuring and more measuring of the track, worked out well!
Our spectators enjoyed their refreshments of bacon baps, and tea and coffee.
Mr Parry organised some toddler races, and we finished off with a parents tug of war. The parents were really keen to get involved, and it brought our brilliant sports day to an end.
The whole event was very well supported by our wonderful families, and Liam Kay and his sports leaders from Dinnington Comprehensive.
The winners of sports day 2019 was Beech (Yellow)
A big well done to them and all the children that took part.