We are so proud of Wrens and Robins! Their behaviour on our visit to the National Space Centre in Leicester was excellent and they were all so keen to explore their new environment.
We certainly built on our knowledge of planets with the help of astronaut George. We even met him in person, which was absolutely fantastic!
We then went into a spaceship and dressed up as astronaut George.
We tested if our reactions were fast enough for us to become astronauts as well!
We tried to wear astronauts gloves and pick up small balls. This was not easy!
We even visited the moon! Can you believe how lucky we were?
We looked closely at Saturn’s rings!
…….and even closer
We found this funny looking thing! What do you think it is?
It’s a toilet for astronauts.
Look what else we did. We were very busy exploring our new environment!
Our trip was brilliant and we now know lots about other planets, but we decided we liked our home the best!
Even though we were extremely tired, we still managed to follow astronaut George’s footprints all the way back to the coach.
What a fabulous day it was!