Keeping Safe Online

On Wednesday 9th March, a number of parents, carers and children attended an informative after school eSafety meeting.

We were pleased to welcome Trish Sharp from Rotherham Children and Young People’s Services into school to provide the training for adults. She comes with many years of experience and expertise in eSafety and ICT teaching and learning.

As she says: ‘Children and young people spend a lot of time online – it can be a great way for them to learn, explore and have fun. But children do also face risks like cyberbullying or seeing content that’s inappropriate for their age. Whether you’re unsure about what happens online or are up to speed with new technology, it’s important that you talk to your child about staying safe. It may feel daunting, but you don’t need to be an expert on the internet. Understanding what children do online and the risks they face will help you keep your child safe online. Online activity and trends change almost weekly, so it is important that we understand what our children are doing.’

Feedback from parents indicated that they found the training very useful and that they would be making use of Trish’s advice.

The children who attended had a great time, creating informative films and word clouds linked to the theme of internet safety.

Trish also judged our eSafety poster competition and provided two fantastic prizes. Lily and Matthew are now the proud owners of brand new iPods!

If you would like further information, please visit:


Also, keep a look out for the ‘Digital Parenting’ magazines recommended by Trish, which we have ordered and will be sending home with children as soon as they arrive.


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