Golden Eagles – Week beginning 13th July

Good morning everyone!

This is your last week in Y5. Well done for working so hard during this very strange and very difficult time. I hope you all have a lovely summer.

National Oak Academy haven’t produced any lessons for this week, so I would like you to concentrate on practising your times tables on TT Rockstars and spending some time each day reading. There are some great lessons on daily lessons, BBC Bitesize. In the English lesson, there is a video where Michael Morpurgo discusses his book ‘The Elephant in the Garden,’ which was on our reading spine this year. There are other lessons including a science lesson focusing on the solar system.


You should have also received your Getting to Know Me form. Please fill it in and email it to Mrs Roberts – I know she is looking forward to reading them all.

Thank you for a wonderful year. Have a lovely summer and I’ll see you all in September.

Take care

Mrs Bower

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