Chaffinches – week beginning 22nd June

Hi to all Chaffinches,

I hope you are all well.  It has been lovely to speak to you all, whether at home or at school.

Thank you for all the work that you’ve sent in about Ancient Egypt as well as other work.  I’ll add some photos of your work at the end of this post.  I’ve also enjoyed listening to you read via the videos that have been sent in – I’ve noticed some fantastic progress made from the ones I’ve heard, so well done.  There’s still chance to send any videos in of children reading, if you haven’t already.

Please continue to read your own books and those on Active Learn, and carry out the English and maths tasks from Oak Academy: BBC Bitesize and The Maths Factor are also useful for maths.  If you’re feeling more confident with your times tables then test yourself using TT Rockstars.



Earlier this year, we wrote some haikus (a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world).  Some of you have written them when learning from the Oak Academy.

I would like you to write a haiku based on Summer.  Think about how Summer makes you feel; you can include similes, such as shining like a diamond.


This is my attempt:


Spring is now over, (5 syllables)

We welcome summer gladly, (7 syllables)

     Clear blue skies reign. (5 syllables)

I’m sure you can write a much better haiku and I look forward to reading them.

I’m also including some spellings, based on the suffix ‘est’.












Enjoy your learning and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Here’s some of our fantastic work and some sunflowers that are growing really well.


Take care and stay safe,

Love from Mrs Adams 🙂 x

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