Chaffinches home-learning for Week beginning 29th June

Hi Chaffinches!

I hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend, even though the weather hasn’t been great: we need the sunshine back again 🙂

Thank you for all the work that has been sent in this week: there’s been some great work sent about Ancient Egypt with quite a few of you writing your name in hieroglyphics.  I also love the haiku poems that have been sent to me: they’ve certainly made me feel like it really is summer, despite the weather!


This week:

Please continue to learn using the Oak Academy.  The first English lesson focuses on retrieving information from non-chronological reports: the text is about one of my favourite animals, the panda.  The maths focuses on work around the 3 x table.  In geography you can learn about settlements, and in PSHE, you will be thinking about kindness and being kind.

Please use the Active Learn site for reading the online books.


Keep fit and active using the Zumba for kids videos on YouTube.



This week’s spellings focus on the suffix, ‘ness’:














As the theme in PSHE on the Oak Academy is all about kindness, I would like you to make a poster that encourages others to be kind and how they can be kind to all people.


I would also like to award some pen licences before you go into Year 3 and so if you think your handwriting is worthy of a pen licence (it’s beautifully neat and joined), or just to show me how much your handwriting has improved, then write me a letter telling me about your favourite thing you’ve done in lockdown.  I shall read it and hopefully award pen licences to some of you 🙂


Thank you and take care,


Love from Mrs Adams 🙂 x

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